Feb 5, 2015

Love Sex and Emotion (2)

After making my post yesterday, maybe due to the very controversial nature of the topic, lots of comments were made, (not on the blog tho), about how important each one of the subjects (Love, Sex and Emotions)are. This prompted a continuation of the article, where we’ll talk about how important each of these subjects are for a successful relationship.
A long-lasting successful relationship is built on many things. Our three subjects are some of the most important building blocks. In a relationship, love is the most important. Though the relationship doesn’t necessarily start with love, for it to last and be successful, whatever brought up the relationship must transform into love. This will give room for lots of other things that spice a relationship to fall in place.
As I said yesterday, emotions may grow into love, and my dear, emotions do grow into love. Actually, emotion grows into love sub-consciously. You think the feeling is normal (just normal), until you find out you’re in love with that dude/lady (E don do you before???) The best relationships are those that grow into a love affair unconsciously. It blossoms really well, and waxes stronger with time, (not in every case ooo).
Stop reading from here if you’re not eighteen………just kidding.
Sex is also a vital ingredient of love. The religious and the “decent” may not agree with me here. For the secular ones, you and I know how bonded you feel while and after making sweet love with you lover. How helpless you feel in her arms, how much you want him to own you, how you never want your lover to leave, (see Goosebumps….Chai!!!). These are really efficient in strengthening the bond between lovers. Many relationships, even homes have been broken due to lack of sex. Customary court judges can tell you of funny divorce cases, due to sex issues. If you starve your partner, they may seek elsewhere and the results are difficult to pull through, if you ever get to do so.
Dear reader, love, sex and emotions, though totally different and should not be mixed up, are intertwined and really essential for a blissful relationship, or marriage as the case may be. So, if there’s anyone of it lacking in your relationship, or that you’re mixing up with the other, kindly right the wrongs before it is too late.

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