Be expressive: Talk honestly about how you feel with your spouse.

Don't wait until the sex is gone to address issues.

Try new positions. There’s more to sex than missionary and doggie style, 
so be sure to explore this naughty world of pleasurable delights.

Work out together. A couple that works out together stays together. It will do 
you a whole world of good to always remember that. Staying fit and healthy is 
one of the best ways to spice up a marriage. Not only will you last longer in 
bed, you won’t have too many jiggly angles and positions to worry about the
next time you two partake in naked day.

Don't pass blames: Be ready to accept that you are wrong and correct in love, 
Use "I" vs. "You," meaning don't blame, criticize, or put down your partner/spouse

Enjoy quickies. As a continuation of the point I made above, indulge in quickies
any chance you can get. This way you won’t have to worry so much about sticking
to a schedule or making sure you’re not late to work. Whether you bang your wife
in the garage before zooming off to work, or springing your husband with a quick
session up against the kitchen sink, relish quickies as they are god’s gift to the busy.

Own your feelings, and be accountable for your part of the equation.
Women: ask for your sexual needs to be fulfilled. You'd be amazed how many young -
women are uncomfortable asking their guy for specifics.
Men: request your needs, too. Statistics show that men cheat more frequently 
than women. Men are too quick to look elsewhere if they do not get what they need. 

Why not ask for what you want and preserve fidelity in your relationship?

No one is attracted to a dependent personality. When individuals nurture their 
own areas of interest, they become stronger and more attractive partners.

When you need help, search for a qualified couples therapist.

Send romantic texts and emails to each other every day.

Take a shower or bath together. Fill the bathroom with candlelight, then wash 
and massage each other. Exciting stuff!

Don't share your fantasies with your partner. All telling does is stimulate jealousy
and low self-esteem. Think your fantasies instead.

Put your worries in a locked box and leave it outside the bedroom. If she's worried
about the kids, she will not have an orgasm. When the stock market goes down,
so does his erection. Free yourselves to enjoy the moment.