Jan 30, 2018

Insecurities and the way out.

Most times we get quite insecure and this is as a result of low self esteem that we experience and that was further induced by other factors. 

A cruel childhood, verbal abuse and assault by parent or elders. Imagine a Nigerian parent calling his or her child 'oloriburuku', 'head that brings bad luck''konidaafunee' 'it wil not be well with you' and they expect this child to grow up and make them proud. 

The child having heard this words spoken to him/her overtime begins to conform to the word subconscious, this can in turn affect the esteem of the child.

Also the society we live in most times makes people not be able to measure up to the societal expectations and this makes the people feel they are not good enough. 

Most of us at certain points or the other have been victims of love self esteem, feelings of not been good enough, the need for acceptance and several other. 

A few tips to boost your self esteem are; 

Tell yourself the truth about you. This is important because words are life and the words you speak to yourself comes back to affect you. 

Treat yourself out on a special date. Basically, you need to spoil yourself and take yourself out. Especially for the ladies, most ladies feel they need a man to take them out, they can't even spend their own #500 on themselves. If you don't think you are worth that much then how can someone else make you feel so. Even if a man tells you that you are beautiful, you would think it's just because he wants to sleep with you. C'mon, you are worth it. There is no one in the world like you remember that song. 

Avoid toxic people who bring you down with their words. 
This is also very important because the words we listen to shapes us. If you are surrounded by people who only bring you down with their words then by all means please avoid them. If no one would say nice truths to you about you then stick with yourself.

You are beautiful the way you are, you can be everything you want to be. So, keep your head high, chin up and face life squarely....

Ruth loves yo

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