Hello again,
I want to talk
about knowing when and how to be a leader. To have a better understanding, I
will advise you take a look at my previous article, UNDERSTANDING THE TIMES
(UTT for short) read
it here (https://ruthabidoye.blogspot.com/2020/04/understanding-times-victoria-abidoye.html).
This article
would be very short as I will just be outlining the key points and explaining only a few. Sequel to
UTT, the first step of knowing how and when to be a leader is understanding the
times which includes having foresight!
Now we might be
under the leadership of someone, that does not say we can’t be leaders or prepare ourselves to be
one, and that does not also say we should go and stage a revolt, lol!!!
Knowing how to
be a leader is knowing when to lead, when to take charge and that can only
happen when you have foresight.
Ø You should take charge when there is
confusion and when the supposed leader is not available.
Ø You should take charge only
when you are sure of what you are doing, you don’t want to be seen as a
Ø You should take charge when
How should you
Ø You should lead with your brain and
senses working correctly
Ø You should lead with your
Ø You should lead without
being swayed by your followers
Ø You should lead with love.
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