Earlier in the morning on Monday, 14th of August, a member of the security committee who was disclaimed few hours ago, John Udeh, who is a part 2 student of English, was spotted in the students' Union building saying;
"Security committee is a scam, they collect money from cultists and thieves, who ought to be moderated."
Later in the evening on the same day, the whole Student's Union building was in chaos, shouting and beatings took over the atmosphere. Mr. John was seen with bleeding lips.
Mr. Ridwan, a member of the security committee, who could be identified as Kante, made it clear saying that;
"Udeh has been constituting nuisance in the Union. Udeh accused the SU Chief security officer of collecting #200,000 from the popular popstar, Lil kesh, who performed in African Amphitheater, OAU on the night of Saturday, 12th of August. Udeh said he got the information from the Baba ibeji, a senior security member of the university. Thesame Udeh was responsible for the punching of the SU CSO in the eye on the night of the performance".
The SU C.S.O denied ever collecting any dime from the pop star as Udeh claimed. He made efforts to take Mr. John Udeh to 'floor O' for disciplinary actions but all efforts were washed down the drain with the intervention of the Secretary General (boluwajaiye Adeolu), his assistant (SIEWEN), Hon. Babatunde - the Chairman of the Transport and Maintenance committee, and several SRC members.
Baba ibeji, the senior security officer came to the scene and spoke with John Udeh, whose face was swollen and lips bleeding. In his words, he didn't not deny telling Udeh about the collection of money from the pop star, though he did not state the amount.
"You are all great thieves, I told you about the money and you are all acting based on personal and selfish interests including the SU C.S.O. Money can't be issued out to all of you except for the delegate. You should have met me on the money issue and I would have settled it." the man stated in his chat with Udeh.
However, Mr. Udeh was taken in to the Secretary General's office, were the case was presided by Baba ibeji.
Olufemi Alfred .O.
Oau Kilonshele News agency