Aug 28, 2015


I have decided to share this post because of the mistake most people make when going into relationship.

Below, I highlight 6 wrong reasons why people go into relationship and in my subsequent posts, I would highlight thing to consider before going into relationship.

1.     To avoid loneliness: Some ladies and men go into relationship because they need someone to make them complete, they need someone to fill the vacuum created by loneliness. Listen! This is not enough reason to go into relationship though of course it should be one of the reasons. You should have a life of your own so when a perspective date comes, you wouldn’t bore the person with your clinginess. If you have issues with being clingy then by all means deal with it. Relationship should not be an escape route from loneliness.

2.     Monetary benefits:         I have never said and would never say money is not necessary in a relationship but it shouldn’t be your main reason for going into relationship. You must know that being rich today doesn’t mean he/she would have tomorrow even though no one prays for evil.

3.     We should not go into relationship because our friends or family are getting it. Even though there would be pressure, Remember, God’s time is the best.

4.     Sexual fantasies: Yes!!! Sometimes, what our eyes see can deceive us. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go for sexy, classy and beautiful people; but the fact that someone is sexy, classy, beautiful, tall, bowlegged or whatever your fantasy is doesn’t mean the person is the kind of person you really want to be called yours.

5.     To impress: Dating or getting married shouldn’t be to impress our friend our friends or parent. If your parent can’t see reasons why you should be with someone you love, then try to see their reasons. I would not say you should totally disagree with your parents on all things but you know what you want. Don’t get married because your parent thinks he/she is the best choice for you. They would not live there with you remember.

6.     To compensate:    Do not say, this person has been good to me for the past years the only way I can pay back is to get married to her. It doesn’t work.